Torres Novas
Torres Novas

Torres Novas originated on a hilltop overlooking the Almonda River, where a castle was built, the symbol of its soul. The meanders of the river, which encircle the historical centre of the old town, give it a unique character. The collection of monuments and museums one can visit is proof of the wealth and diversity of the historical and cultural torrejano heritage. Torres Novas presents itself as a modern, dynamic and innovative city, embracing the future whilst maintaining an important role in the region, benefiting from its strategic location and communication network. It is seen as a prominent centre in the Santarém region, in the centre of the country, with excellent access routes to and from all major motorways. We are proud of and have always stood by our history, culture, fairs and events; our gastronomy, cultural and artistic outlook, the nights filled with entertainment for the young and, last but not least, our hospitality.